The general development of the thermal power industry is reflected in cities: steelworks, boiler houses and furnaces, and consequently also in the labour market in the form of an increase in demand for carbon dioxide smokers. In modern times, it is difficult to imagine daily life without thermal energy devices. Therefore, we will use a brief overview to sketch and outline the picture of a boiler and furnace stoker and present the requirements for taking up this position.
Who is a CO smoker?
He is the person in charge of the operation of central heating furnaces and boilers - equipment responsible for supplying heat, process steam and hot water to residential and industrial buildings. His duties include controlling the operation of the flue gas cleaning and discharge equipment, constant supervision of the efficiency and technical functionality of the boilers and of the control, measuring, auxiliary and safety equipment. His skills include the correct reading of control and measurement equipment and the skilful supervision and control of the entire process of commissioning and operation of central heating boilers, in addition to the operation of various fuel supply systems, monitoring of pressure, temperature and air draft meters and the aforementioned control and measurement equipment. All these factors are subject to the control and continuous supervision of the central heating boiler stoker.
Further responsibilities
The CH burner is obliged to set the optimum boiler operating parameters, supervise and examine the technical condition of the boiler as well as auxiliary equipment, if necessary, seal pipes and connectors and take care of the tightness of internal installations. Furthermore, he should replenish the bed regeneration substances in the water softening systems and keep a record of meter and gauge readings. It is also the stoker's responsibility to set the boiler operating parameters according to the required output.
Where do CO smokers work?
We can differentiate the workplace according to the position held, which we most commonly divide into gas central heating boiler stoker, i.e. those fired by gaseous fuel (i.e. natural gas, propane-butane, biogas) and water grate central heating boiler stoker - fired by solid fuel. Most often central heating stokers find employment in boiler houses. By obtaining the necessary qualification, which will be discussed later, to work on central heating boilers, the candidate also fulfils the requirements to operate furnaces that heat entire buildings, e.g. office buildings or schools.
Central heating boilers
It is an efficient and safe way to heat a home, office or flat. There are different types which provide for the individual needs of the users, however, for some customers its correct installation can be not so much problematic as dangerous. A boiler smoker has the necessary skills to install a boiler meeting health and safety requirements, ensuring the comfort and safety of the customer. Both the installation and the daily supervision of the boiler should be carried out by a person familiar with the necessary standards and safety rules to prevent dangerous accidents. With technological advances, we are seeing a decrease in technical failures (explosions and fumes), however, it is important to be vigilant and attentive in the operation of any boiler. There are numerous safeguards, e.g. automated fuel metering in the case of pellet and eco-pea boilers, which significantly facilitate their operation and are a guarantee of safe and functional use of the central heating system.
How do you get the required licences?
In order to obtain a heating licence (G2/E), you must be at least eighteen years of age, have at least a basic education and a doctor's certificate stating that there are no contraindications to training for the job. In order to obtain the necessary authorisations, the candidate must pass an examination at the end of the course, which is designed to prepare the candidate for a successful outcome. In this way, the candidate is authorised to carry out work in connection with the operation, maintenance, overhaul and installation of equipment, installations as well as thermal (power) networks. The case is different with regard to the supervisory qualification, which is granted to employers and managers of employees.
The certification as a stoker of solid, liquid and gaseous-fuel central heating furnaces and boilers associated with both water and steam boilers is valid for a period of five years. Further practice of the profession requires renewal of the certificate.
Courses and training centres
The price, as well as the scope of knowledge provided for the position of CO smoker varies depending on the centre the candidates approach. It is therefore worth researching the subject to make the best decision - the best choice would be a training centre with many years of experience and highly qualified staff to provide comprehensive learning covering both theory and practical material. Our proposed choice is KURSO. Classes are conducted in the form of webinars - real-time audio and video lectures - to which practical exercises are added under the watchful eye of a cadre.
The scope of knowledge includes material on theory, i.e. correct operation, supervision of the working process of furnaces and other building heating systems, health and safety rules, fire regulations and procedures. There is also material on the construction and operation of central heating boilers, as well as the entire boiler room, i.e. how the individual heating networks and installations - central heating boilers - operate, start-up, maintenance and repair. The classes conclude with an examination administered by the qualification board of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). A positive result will lead to the above-mentioned G2/E qualification.
Training programme in a nutshell:
- general provisions and selected issues
- regulations on technical supervision
- organisation of work on thermal installations
- duties of a central heating cooker stoker
- selected information on thermal technology
- fittings and materials
- scheme of a central heating boiler room
- water in thermal management
- steam and water boilers - general information
- operation of boilers
- heating networks and installations
- industrial steam and hot water equipment
- solid fuels, liquid fuels, control and measurement equipment
- Occupational health and safety on thermal equipment and in the workplace
- CO stoker, fire protection, emergency medical services
Importance of boiler plants in Poland
Due to our climatic conditions, the use of a boiler room is essential for all of us. It's not just about heating residential buildings, but also our workplace, as well as shops, restaurants or shopping malls. And every boiler room needs a qualified person - a central heating boiler stoker - responsible for the comfort and good working conditions of us all. Depending on the type of appliance, a professional service is required; these can be regular furnaces, steam boilers, CO gas or water grate boilers. Each of these requires professional handling, which is guaranteed by the thorough training provided at KURSO.
We are a company that has been providing training services for the last fifteen years, with a 98 per cent satisfaction rate among our customers. Our offer includes many other types of training for handling equipment subject to Technical Inspection (UDT). We guarantee attractive prices, comprehensive training and professional staff with extensive professional experience. Our branches are spread all over Poland, including Warsaw. We provide our participants with additional materials so that they can consolidate their knowledge, and we also offer favourable discounts for organised groups - whereby we are willing to send our staff to the customer's premises to carry out the training there. All information regarding our offer is available on the official website of KURSO,, in case of questions please contact us telephone. You are most welcome.