Knowledge of health and safety regulations is one of the most important things in any workplace. These rules are passed on during two types of employee training. We distinguish between:

- initial training,
- periodic training.
Initial training is compulsory for every employee before he or she starts working in a particular position. Failure to receive training risks financial consequences. Training such concerns general safety issues and is called general health and safety instruction. Up to PLN 30,000 can be paid by an employer who allows an employee to work without prior OSH training. It is worth adding that ignorance of these regulations in the workplace risks causing a serious accident, which in turn may be subject to legal consequences. Periodic training, on the other hand, is compulsory to take place once for a certain period of time, which must be observed. They are organised to update health and safety knowledge in accordance with the latest standards and requirements. All employees, with the exception of those working in administration and various offices, are subject to such training. The frequency of OSH training depends on:
- the type of position you work at,
- conditions on it.
What are health and safety services
OHS services are nothing more than people who know perfectly the rules of health and safety, who have postgraduate or higher education in the field of health and safety. The functions that can be performed while being a member of such a service are:
- Chief health and safety specialist,
- Senior health and safety specialist,
- OHS specialist,
- Senior health and safety inspector,
- Health and safety inspector.
There is an ongoing need in the market for new health and safety professionals who can create a safe environment in the workplace that improves the operation of the entire company and avoids unwanted damage or accidents. Such people are very important for any employer as they ensure the healthy functioning of the workforce. They also need appropriate periodic training. A safe and healthy company attracts investors, customers and new employees, so it is worthwhile to ensure a properly qualified health and safety service.
Periodic training of OHS employees
In order to ensure the most up-to-date and fresh knowledge of the safety aspects of the workplace, the occupational health and safety service must undergo periodic training. Once every five years, OSH staff should attend a course to refresh their knowledge and to certify that they have passed such training. The topics that such training consists of vary, but usually include issues such as:
- The reasons for the accident,
- Analysis of the event that has taken place,
- Classes devoted to first aid and fire protection,
- Learning to assess risks and threats in the workplace,
- Acquainting with various methods of health and safety training,
- Optimizing working conditions, eliminating all threats,
- Taking the test.

Periodic training for health and safety services helps to ensure safe conditions in the workplace and reduces the chances of mishaps. Keeping your health and safety knowledge up to date is essential to the proper functioning of your business. As one of the basic human needs is to feel safe, having a properly trained health and safety team is very important these days.