This training not only prepares participants for the UDT exam confirming their qualifications, but also teaches them how to operate mobile platforms in a safe, health and safety-compliant manner. We create training programmes for both those who want to learn from scratch and those with experience. Once you have completed the course and passed the theoretical and practical examination, you can work on aerial work platforms, scissor lifts and suspended platforms. The types and types of equipment for which authorisations are granted depend on the scope of the training and examination. It is possible to organise 2 examinations at the same time for two pieces of equipment under technical supervision.
Service of mobile platforms
The course is intended for people who want to gain professional qualifications as a platform operator. With the authorization to service, you can perform work on construction sites, renovation of buildings, road construction, installation and repair of lighting, hanging large-format advertisements. The operators of platforms and other mobile platforms are employed full-time, they can also run their own business, providing services with the use of platforms.
Types of service authorizations
The division in force from June 1, 2019 includes mobile platforms:
- Stationary
- Hanging
- Passable
- Mast
- On railway vehicles
Standard permits are issued for 10 years, only in the case of mobile platforms it is 5 years.
For 5 years from the entry into force of the new regulations, the current division of rights into platforms is still valid:
- Mobile slow-moving (scissor lifts), mobile self-propelled (aerial platforms), transportable - IP category
- Stationary, mobile, mast-mounted - category II P
Mobile work platform operator course - program of activities
The curriculum is divided into theoretical and practical classes. The duration is determined individually with the client and depends on the experience and needs of the participants.
- General information on mobile platforms - introduction.
- Stability and durability of devices.
- Working platform: supporting structures, drive mechanisms.
- Platforms: supporting structures, chassis.
- Use of the instruction manual.
- Carrying out tests and research on platforms.
- Principles of safe operation of devices.
- Technical inspection of devices.
- Practical classes: work performed before the commencement of operation, during and after its completion, checking the security measures before starting work, rules of conduct in the event of a failure - safe lowering of the machine.
Maintenance of mobile platforms
The program of classes has been created for people who want to deal with service work, repairs or inspections before putting the machines into operation. Completion of the course and a positive result of the UDT exam gives employment opportunities in equipment repair shops or in larger construction, assembly and production companies with their own conservation positions.
Types of authorization for maintenance
The authorization for restorers is issued for 5 years and covers the following types of platforms:
- Stationary
- Movable passable
- Mobile loading machines - including for the transport of people
- Mast
- On railway vehicles
Course in maintenance of mobile platforms - program of activities
Theoretical issues:
- Handling devices subject to technical inspection.
- The procedure to be followed during the supervision of mobile platforms.
- Scope of activities, types of tests performed by technical inspection inspectors.
- Activities performed by the operator and maintenance technician in the event of accidents and dangerous failures.
- Rules for safe maintenance of platforms.
- Maintenance of units and elements of devices - mechanical part.
- Maintenance of assemblies and elements - electrical part.
Practical issues:
- Checking the device in terms of its technical condition: the degree of wear of the mechanisms, correct operation.
- Replacement of damaged or worn parts of the device.
- Emergency situations - how to proceed.
- Maintenance, adjustment, checking the correct operation of assemblies, elements and safety devices.
- Work to be performed in case of necessity to change the place of use - disassembly and reassembly.
- Activities performed when changing the assembly version.
- The most common operational faults - examples, repair methods.
Training and exam passing
Completion of the course itself is not tantamount to obtaining an entitlement. In order to be able to operate and service the equipment, it is necessary to pass an exam organized by the Office of Technical Inspection. After passing the exam, you can work on any type of mobile work platform in Poland and abroad, as long as the certificates are accepted in a given project.
The program and form of classes are closely related to the UDT examination requirements. The topics of the classes are updated on an ongoing basis based on the guidelines of the Office. The Center's instructors regularly read the sample exam questions and up-to-date information provided.
The following also translates into the high pass rate of exams among training participants:
- Initial diagnostics and examination of needs before the training - this allows for optimal adjustment of the discussed issues to the knowledge of the students
- Division of groups for people with more or less practical knowledge - as part of the classes there are more or less practical exercises using the equipment provided by the Center
- Practical classes organized in the time between the theoretical classes and the external exam - it allows you to consolidate the necessary knowledge
- Internal exam after the theoretical part. The exam is in the form of a test, similar to the one used in UDT exams.
- Training supplemented with knowledge posted on the educational platform to which all participants have access. The platform includes text and video materials, as well as a database of about 650 test questions, created on the basis of UDT exam questions.
- Training dates adjusted to the dates of external exams. After enrolling in the classes, the Center reports the participants to the appropriate technical inspection unit. Thanks to this, technical inspection inspectors can determine the optimal date of the theory test and practical skills test.
Courses for individual clients
Classes are organized in an open form, available to anyone interested. During enrollment, the level of knowledge and training needs of the participant are checked in order to qualify them to the appropriate group. Trainings are organized regularly, in 1- or 2-week cycles.Courses for companies
At the request of business clients, the Center organizes closed classes. Then only the seconded employees of the company take part in them, and the scope and details of the training are agreed directly with the employer. The training can be attended by both employees without previous experience in the operation or maintenance of platforms, as well as those who have dealt with this type of equipment, for example by working as operator's assistants. In the case of closed courses, classes may take place at the headquarters of the Center, in Warsaw, or - if so agreed with the client - in other Polish cities.
Questions and Answers
Do the qualifications apply to all types of mobile platforms?
During the course, all types of platforms covered by technical supervision - those to which the UDT exam applies - are discussed. By attending the course and passing the exam, you will receive UDT entitlements for the operation or maintenance of mobile platforms, mobile, pendant, mast, placed on railway vehicles. For closed-door training, the Centre's instructors can place more emphasis on a particular type of platform if the client requests it.
What is the form of the classes?
The training consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the Center's instructors conduct a lecture, supplemented with forms that activate participants: they ask questions, give examples, and conduct tests to check their knowledge. The practical part takes place on the maneuvering yard, where participants have the opportunity to learn about the operation of the machines.
What is the duration of the course?
The number of hours is determined at the stage of examining the training needs of students. In the case of open courses, groups are formed among people with a similar level of experience. The program of closed courses is adjusted to the level of knowledge and experience of the company's employees.
Service course - approximate duration is:
- For those with practical experience in operation or maintenance: approximately 8 hours
- For people who already have some knowledge of platforms but no experience: approx. 20 hours
- For beginners: approximately 36 hours
Maintenance course - indicative duration is:
- For people experienced in the field of mechanics or electrics in the field of mobile platforms: approximately 30 hours
- For people with no experience: approximately 96 hours